Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 1432

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Chapter 1432

Jacob looked at him with a light smile. His smile is not as open as Derek, not as forbearing as Jas, and has a just right charm.

If he smiles at Irene, it’s a hormonal charm.

If he smiles at a child, it is the rigor and love of the father’s slackness.

The panic in Derek’s heart was instantly dissipated by Daddy’s smile. Looking at Jacob, smiled sweetly.

Jacob gently put him on the ground, picked up his little hand, and carefully untied the long concentric belt, then took Derek’s hand and said gently: “Come with Daddy.”

Derek was warmed by daddy’s loving action, and he obediently let his big hand wrap his little hand, while he followed his daddy’s pace and walked on the unfamiliar and noisy market.

Jacob said gently: “Daddy hasn’t talked to you these days, it doesn’t mean that Daddy doesn’t love you. Daddy is just like you, confused, hesitant, and at a loss.”

Suddenly he stopped, turned his head to look at Derek, and said with emotion: “What on earth should I do to pick up your lost lamb home.”

Derek’s eyes flooded, “I’m sorry.”

In addition to these three words, he did not know what else to say.

Jacob knew that these three words contained a lot of helplessness for the child.

“Derek, Daddy has never blamed you. You hurt Mommy, and you don’t want to go home. Daddy won’t blame you.”

The heavy stone that was pressing on Derek’s heart was instantly removed, and Derek was relieved.

Jacob looked at the child’s face quietly, his tangled little brows made him see the helplessness in Derek’s heart, “Are you still reluctant to go home?”

Derek nodded.

Jacob was a little weak and said: “But how should I explain to your mommy?”

Derek whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Jacob said: “Aren’t you willing to call me daddy?”

Derek raised his eyes to look at Jacob, tears condensed on his long eyelashes, and the black glaze pupils were as brilliant as stars.

Derek opened his mouth, but in the end there was no sound.

“Derek, you don’t have to be embarrassed. Daddy can…respect the choice in your heart.” Although Jacob said so, his expressionless face was now filled with a sense of powerlessness.

He, the invincible God of War in the market, was helpless when facing his son. That kind of helplessness is his careful care of the child.

Derek’s tears rolled down, and all his defenses collapsed. He looked at daddy helplessly, and said with great difficulty: “I… just don’t want to cause you trouble!”

Jacob was slightly taken aback, and instantly understood the child’s mind.

It turned out that Derek didn’t want to recognize them, because he was afraid of adding trouble to them. At a young age, this child already knows how to sacrifice his own happiness to achieve the integrity of his family.

Jacob was very pleased. He stroked Derek’s head and said softly: “Derek, as long as you can go home safely, it will be a big trouble. Daddy and Mommy are not afraid.”

Derek looked at Daddy’s sharp expression, Daddy must not know, if he recognizes them, it is very likely that the war family will be destroyed again.

But Daddy finally returned from bad luck, how he could bear to let Daddy fall into jail again.

Derek’s heart is in confusion.

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