Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 1601

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Chapter 1601

Jacob resolutely said: “Grandpa, donate them to the motherland. Let it serve all human beings. This is the value of a healer. I think grandma must also hope her. The research results can be passed on from generation to generation.” The old lady waved to him, “You go down first, let me think about it.”

Jacob turned and left.

Coming out of the old man’s room, Lord Zhan Han looked at the reconstructed tourmaline manor. The layout and appearance of the building still retained its previous appearance. The lush trees and wide asphalt avenues burst into vigorous vitality everywhere.

The reconstruction of the Tourmaline Manor was supervised and completed by Zheng Ling himself. Thinking of Zheng Ling’s hard work for him, his heart was strangling again.

Such a good Zheng Ling was still lost by him.

Jacob dragged his solemn steps to his Xiangding Garden.

The antique Xiangding Garden, the building still retains its original appearance. Only those trees, those flowers and plants have changed their appearance.

Zheng Ling planted many jacarandas, many kapok trees, and many trumpet creepers here.

A gratifying smile appeared in Jacob’s eyes, and Zheng Ling’s design was similar to his plant design in Qingmei Town.

Fortunately, they have a clear heart.

Jacob pushed open the door of Xiangdingyuan and saw a huge framed ink painting hanging on the wall of the living room. Inside is another row of small lattice picture frames, with pictures inside. They are all masterpieces of Zheng Ling.

From the ignorance of the first encounter, to the innocence of acquaintance and love, to the despair of life and death, and finally…the inseparable companionship of the white head.

Jacob wetted his eyes in an instant. If it hadn’t been for the trip to Mount Everest, Zheng Ling had never thought of separating from him.

Jacob sat lonely on the sofa, recalling those sweet pictures of him and Zheng Ling in his mind.

“Zhengling, where are you?” Jacob whined in pain.

Ladder town.

The reason why this town is famous is that there is a legend about love.

According to legend, there was a couple of lovers here a long time ago, and the bridegroom was not treated by the girl’s parents. In a rage, the girl eloped with her beloved man. Since then, hiding in this deserted place to live a life of isolation from the world.

Later, when they got older, their love story was spread out by tourists who inadvertently broke into this place, and it became a small town on the ladder.

And Zheng Ling chose to stay in Tianti Town only because she had been here when she was young. There are many footprints and many memories left here.

In a rental room.

Zheng Ling lay on the bed in pain, her muscles aching all over, but she gritted her teeth and refused to scream out. It’s just that sweat-drenched face and stubborn but perplexed eyes revealed her pain.

Madam Yu gently wiped her sweat, and said distressed: “Zheng Ling, call it out if you are in pain. Aunt Qing knows that you are in pain…”

Zheng Ling said with breath: “Aunt Qing, I am not a waste.”

Ms. Yu’s tears dripped instantly, and Cassandra’s injury to Zhengling was like a seed that took root in Zhengling’s heart.

Therefore, after Zheng Ling was paralyzed all over, she was unwilling to lie in bed with peace of mind and seriously accept the doctor’s advice. She did her best to fight her body.

The doctor asked her to rest in bed, she hopped on the fitness equipment desperately, kneeled when she couldn’t stand up, and lay on her stomach when she didn’t have the strength to kneel.

She used her stubbornness to fight the disease.

Although she didn’t know how painful she was, but seeing her skinny in just a few days, Madam Yu and Zhengyu knew how difficult it was for her to live.

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