Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2024

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Chapter 2024

“Then I’ll go with Brother Ye Feng.”

Zhan Su said: “No, you have to read. You can’t delay your study.”

Derek said listlessly: “Oh, one year Reading every day for three hundred and sixty-five days. If you miss one day, you won’t become a fool.

Zhan Su said, That won’t work, Mommy will be angry..

Then don’t tell Mommy.


“Susu…” In the end, Zhansu found the four ghost leaders and solemnly said to them: “Give you a task to go to Yuncheng to pick up Mr. Boye. This journey is very dangerous. So the four of you draw lots, and the one who gets the short lottery will go to Yuncheng…”

Zhan Su held four wooden lotteries in his hand and handed them to Ye Feng. “Let’s smoke.”

Ye Feng resolutely said: “No need to smoke. I’m going to Yuncheng.” The other three people looked at each other.

Of course, Guan Xiao knows Ye Feng’s careful thinking. In order to complete Ye Feng, Guan Xiao summed it up hypocritically: “Of the four of us, Ye Feng’s skill is the best. He is the most suitable.”

Jin Cao eyes low and worrisome.

Ye Feng was full of concerns about Faith, so he was confused when he heard that Yuncheng was in danger. He completely forgot that Faith’s reason for leaving Yuncheng was to escape him.

And Guan Xiao only cared about adult beauty.

Jin Cao said: “Ye Feng, any of the four of us can go, but you can’t go.”

Ye Feng seemed to be struck by a thunder, the outside was tender and the inside was tender, stupidly stuck there.

Jin Cao said sincerely: “If you want to go, then you first ask yourself, can you bring Faith happiness?”

Ye Feng trembled, did not answer Jin Cao, but went ahead without hesitation.

Jin Cao was puzzled: “Doesn’t this guy know he will bring disaster to Faith?”

Haifeng patted Jin Cao on the shoulder, and comforted: “Su Tao has left our villa. Don’t you think it’s strange? “

Jing Cao Ruo realized: “So, Ye Feng changed his mind?”

Haifeng said: ” Can’t talk about changing his mind. He just recognizes his own heart.”

Ye Feng bought the ticket as quickly as possible, and was full of joy. Came to Yuncheng.

Along the way, he was thinking, seeing Faith, how should he soothe the trauma he brought to her?

However, when he arrived at Boye’s former residence, Ye Feng was dumbfounded when he saw the courtyard with dense cobwebs and piles of fallen leaves.

It’s been a long time since no one has lived here, right?

Boye and Faith had never been to Yuncheng at all.

“Tong Tong.” Ye Feng banged open the door, and a musty smell came from the room.

Ye Feng panicked. He searched for Faith and Boye all over the room, but he searched every corner but found no trace of them.

Ye Feng hurriedly took out the phone, his hands trembling violently because of tension. He called Jacob and his voice was trembling.

“Foster father, I have arrived at the former residence of Mr. Boye in Yuncheng. However, I did not find Boye and Faith. It has been a long time since no one has lived here.”

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