Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2072

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Chapter 2072

Guan Xiao gave her a hot chestnut: “Speak civilized.”

Wushuang said: “I won’t go. I can still help you if I stay.”

Guan Xiao couldn’t help her, so he had to tell her. Said: “There is an accident, protect yourself.”

Wushuang nodded again and again.

In the evening, after his wife went back to the room to sleep, Wushuang looked at Guan Xiao pitifully, “Brother Guan Xiao, can you let me sleep in tonight?”

Guan Xiao stared at her and said very resolutely and ruthlessly: “No, you sleep outside.”

Wushuang was begging for nothing in the room, looking at Guan Xiao with deep resentment: “I don’t know how to pity Xiangxiyu.”

Guan Xiao said: “Wrong, I will pity Xiangxiyu the most. But you are not Xiangfan. Not Yu.”

“Then what am I?” Wushuang exhaled.

“You, at most a dog’s tail grass.” Guan Xiaobai glanced at her.

Wushuang snorted coldly, ignored Guan Xiao, and ran directly to the sofa. “I’m sleeping on the sofa tonight.” As soon as her voice fell, Guan Xiao ran towards her like an arrow from the string, stopping her. With both arms open, he commanded domineeringly: “Go out.”

Wushuang became angry. Finally, she jumped directly on Guan Xiao and hung her neck with both hands, hanging him like a koala.

Guan Xiao is most afraid of contact with women, let alone such zero distance.

Suddenly a cold sweat broke out. “Get down.”

“Not down.” Wushuang smiled.

Guan Xiao grabbed her shoulders and threw them over her shoulders. Wushuang was thrown behind him. Taking advantage of the situation, she climbed onto the sofa and lay down straight, proudly saying: “I’m going to sleep.”

Guan Xiao was dumbfounded.

This is really nothing to steal the chicken, eclipse the rice.

Guan Xiao pointed at Wushuang angrily, and said, “Okay, you are great.” Then he turned and walked into his bedroom.

Wushuang’s arms were resting on the back of her head, Erlang’s legs were tilted, and he hummed leisurely and happily.

“This is a common man, so happy.” The night darkened.

A black figure slowly approached the ghost villa. Soon, the door opened silently, the black figure flashed, and the door closed instantly.

It’s just a fleeting effort.

However, when the misty moonlight came in, the vigilant Wushuang was awakened by the sudden light. Secretly opened her eyelids and saw that the slender shadow was approaching him step by step.

Wushuang quickly closed her eyes again.

The black shadow stood beside Wushuang for a while, imposing tremendous pressure on Wushuang. Wushuang’s nerves are tense, and she is always ready to shoot.

However, the dark shadow did not attack her, but turned and walked towards the pretty lady’s room.

Wushuang’s gaze followed her…

Then she jumped up gently, following her behind.

The black shadow entered the room, took a pill from his sleeve, and handed it to the pretty lady’s mouth.

Then she turned around and left.

At this moment, Wushuang suddenly turned on the light, and the dark shadow was covered with a veil, revealing a pair of eyes outside. Wushuang blocked her at the door and said with a smile: “Mrs. Yun, you are finally here.”

Shan Yun was startled slightly. He didn’t expect this girl from Zhan Family to have such sharp eyes that she almost recognized her at a glance.

Shan Yun lowered his voice and reprimanded: “Get out of the way.” Wushuang drew his ears: “Are you ordering me?

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