Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2515

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Chapter 2515

Zheng Ling pushed the bowl aside and questioned Su Su with a serious expression: “Su Su, where is Wan’er? She usually eats with us, and she will take the initiative to tell me sooner or later. An, why didn’t you see her tonight?”

Su Su’s eyes flashed with a guilty conscience. In his heart, he secretly thought that no matter what, he should coax Qiao Wan back as soon as possible. Otherwise, Mommy will definitely not be able to hide it. “Mummy, Wan’er has something to deal with. She won’t have dinner with us tonight. But don’t worry, she’ll be back tomorrow.” Zhengling knew in her

heart that Susu gave her a deadline to deal with him and Wan’er. There is no blame.

He glanced at Derek again: “Derek, tell me what’s going on with you? When you came back this time, you were like a bereaved dog, without the spirit of a young man. What about your previous madness? What?”

Derek said: “Mommy, don’t make fun of your son.”

Zheng Ling said: “If something makes you feel a lot of pressure, then you have to learn to let it go. People live in the moment, don’t go Think about things that haven’t happened yet. Remember, when it happens, even if the world is turned upside down, you can only be sad for that period of time.”

Derek seemed to understand, “I know, Mommy.”

He didn’t know himself either . Can he let it go, but he knows that he must never let Mommy worry. Otherwise, it’s time to be criticized by Daddy again at night.

In order to earn performance, Derek quickly gave Su Su a sharp bowl of vegetables. “Susu, eat quickly.”

Susu stared at Derek speechlessly, this guy pushed him out as a shield just to please Mommy?

Susu also kept adding vegetables to Hanbao: “Brother, you eat too, you look hungry and thin.”

Hanbao and Susu were so humble that the dishes on the table began to be empty.

Jacob reprimanded his unreasonable son: “Okay. Leave some dishes for the other sisters.” The

dinner ended in a happy atmosphere.

After dinner, the young people gathered together to make plans for Susu.

“Su Su, what happened to you and Sister Wan’er? Where did Sister Wan’er go? Isn’t she inseparable from you?” Sister Wushuang asked.

Su Su sighed, took out his mobile phone, and handed the breakup text message from Wan’er to the sisters: “I don’t know what’s going on, Wan’er wants to break up with me.”

Everyone was stunned.

“How is this possible?” Wushuang opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

“Sister Wan’er loves you so much, Su Su, she finally got you, how could she be willing to break up with you so easily? Did you do something to make her feel bad?”

Wushuang’s question was immediately recognized by others.

Everyone looked at Susu, waiting for Susu to explain.

Su Su is speechless.

Jun Xinyue, who was on the side, didn’t know why, she tried her best to defend Su Su: “You are all Su Su’s best sisters, what kind of person Su Su is, don’t you know him best? How can you still question him? Him?” The

ten sisters responded with dissatisfaction to Jun Xinyue: “We have never doubted Susu’s character. It’s just that this matter is strange. The sisters remind Susu, you don’t try to alienate our relationship. Seeing

that the atmosphere became stiff, Derek quickly stood up to mediate the atmosphere: “The most urgent task is to find sister Wan’er. Do you understand if you ask her? Why guess?”

Wushuang said: “Su Su, you call Wan’er. A phone call. Ask her where she is?”

Susu said in frustration, “She doesn’t answer my call.”

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