Predestined Marriage Novel Chapter 1065 – 1066

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Chapter 1065

The meaning of Alyssa’s words was that Wilfred was begging Karl to do something.

Wilfred’s complexion was slightly condensed, but quickly went as usual: “I admire Karl very much. This cooperation is beneficial to both of us.”

For Wilfred’s words, Alyssa gave a smile, and said slowly: “Beasts always walk alone, cattle and sheep are in groups, so Karl can always achieve his goals completely by himself, incompetent. Talented people will seek cooperation from everywhere.”

Alyssa said this directly.

She almost pointed to Wilfred’s nose and said he was incompetent.

Wilfred is used to disguising, but on the other hand, he is also extremely confident.

Alyssa bluntly said that he was incompetent, and naturally, he couldn’t maintain a consistent calm.

Wilfred’s face was cold, his eyes gloomy, and he squeezed out a few words: “Speech and discernment.”

“Thanks for the praise.”

Alyssa smiled brilliantly at Wilfred, how irritating he looked.

After she laughed, she looked at Wilfred in surprise: “Mr. Mann doesn’t seem very happy?

Did what I just said offend you?

You went to great lengths to find Karl for cooperation. Although it means that your strength is not as good as that of Karl, you are also very good, right? “

She looked down at herself, and pointed to her leg: “Normally people don’t mess me up, Mr. Mann is very good.”

Wilfred’s face was covered with haze, and his eyes were showing the tranquility before the storm.

Seeing him like this, Alyssa felt very happy in her heart.

Wilfred would be stimulated by her to the point of losing his calm.

A man is instinctively competitive, Alyssa completely angered him.

“Do you know the fate of angering me?”

Wilfred’s voice was somber, he was so disguised by Alyssa.

“I don’t know, but does that matter?

It’s as if you can treat me now.”

Alyssa sneered, her eyes shining with disdain.

Alyssa can’t escape now, nor can she run.

Karl was controlled by Wilfred because of her.

But Wilfred wanted to use Karl to achieve a certain purpose, and on the other hand, he was particularly concerned about the “experimental subject” Alyssa.

Although Wilfred controlled Alyssa and Karl at the same time, he actually had some scruples.

To stabilize Karl, he couldn’t do anything to Alyssa.

On the contrary, he had to protect Alyssa well before he could conduct experiments and threaten Karl.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Karl to be restricted by him.

The blue veins on Wilfred’s forehead burst.

He stood up, suppressed his anger and slowed down his speech, and said slowly: “Young people are always arrogant and not stable enough, but reality will teach you to be stable.”

Alyssa didn’t care, smiled brightly: “I’m waiting for you.”

Wilfred took a deep look at her, turned around and walked upstairs without even eating.

Watching his figure disappear in the corner, Alyssa lowered her eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.

Dare to provoke Wilfred in this way, something she had never thought of.

She was actually testing Wilfred’s bottom line for her.

Wilfred really attaches great importance to her “experimental body”.

This is a good thing, at least her life will not be in danger for the time being.

On the other hand, Wilfred is not really indestructible, he still has the mentality of an ordinary man.

Alyssa really looked down on Wilfred from the bottom of her heart.

Karl would never secretly attack a woman.

There was Muffi before, and now it is her.

What kind of man Wilfred is!

Chapter 1066

Alyssa didn’t sleep well at night.

Had some strange dreams vaguely.

The more you sleep, the more tired you are, and the more tired you are, the more you can’t open your eyes.

It’s like falling into a quagmire with one foot, unable to pull away, unable to get up, sinking deeper and deeper, even breathing is very difficult.

When she woke up completely, Alyssa felt like she had run a marathon, very tired.

As if the body was hollowed out, she couldn’t beat her energy.

Alyssa stretched out her hand and pressed her temple, shook her head to wake up a bit, and sat up with her body supported.

It was dark outside the window.

Alyssa was stunned. She felt that she had just slept for a while, how could she wake up at night?

Could it be that the sky is still dark?

With the wheelchair right in front of the bed, Alyssa tried her best and climbed onto the wheelchair with her hands supporting her body.

When she got into the wheelchair, she was too tired to breathe.

She calmed down, then turned her wheelchair and walked out.

The corridors were brightly lit and empty.

She took the elevator downstairs.

The hall was also empty, but there seemed to be slight movements in the courtyard.

Alyssa slowly turned the wheelchair and walked to the door.

The hall door is half-open.

On a flat ground in front of the hall, several people stood, and one of them was lying on the ground.

“Mr. Mann let us treat you well.”

“Aren’t you very good before?

Tsk tsk…” “What kind of look are you in?

Want to hit me?”

One of them spoke, lifted the man lying on the ground, and kicked again.

Only then did Alyssa see the face of the kicked person.

It turned out to be Clifford.

The light was not very bright. Alyssa watched by the door for a while. After adjusting to the light, she could see that Clifford was covered in blood and had a weak breath.

“Miss Alyssa.”

A woman’s voice suddenly came from behind.

When Alyssa turned around, she saw a maid walking towards her.

The maid walked towards Alyssa with a blank face, she glanced outside the door: “Ms. Alyssa is hungry?”

It seems that the maid did not intend to push Alyssa back.

Alyssa looked out again, and those people were still violently hitting Clifford.

Clifford was injured badly before, but he was still bandaged, but now he is not bandaged and he is still being beaten.

Alyssa pursed her lips and said, “If you continue to beat him like this, you will kill him.”

“This is what he deserves. Mr. Mann was so kind to him. He betrayed Mr. Mann.”

There was no emotion in the maid’s words.

Alyssa only shook her head when she heard this.

Wilfred, how about Clifford?

Where is it good?

Is it good for him to train Clifford into an unscrupulous pervert?

“Has Wilfred instructed them to treat Clifford like this?”

Alyssa’s eyes fell on Clifford’s body outside the door.

Clifford hadn’t moved at all. If she hadn’t seen the faint fluctuations in his chest, Alyssa would have thought that he was dead.

“Mr. Mann treats him with all his benevolence and righteousness. Mr. Mann said that you don’t need to be soft-hearted or be merciful when you treat such a person who doesn’t know how to be satisfied.”

Although the maid was talking about Clifford, when she spoke, her eyes fell on Alyssa.

what is this?

Kill the chicken for the monkey?

These words of the maid said Clifford on the surface, but in fact they were watching Alyssa.

This is Wilfred’s warning to her not to go too far, but to know a little bit of tolerance.

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