Predestined Marriage Novel Chapter 219 – 220

Read Chapter 219 and 220 of the novel Predestined Marriage free online.

Chapter 219

Karl asked her to say it again before, it should be the same sentence.

——It’s too late to unlove him.

How could she say such a thing!

How could you say such a thing in front of Karl!

Alyssa became angry, and walked forward after throwing away Karl’s hand.

Karl followed with a smile from the corner of his eyes, and took her hand: “Go slow.”

“I like to walk faster.” Alyssa wanted to shake his hand away, but without success, she had to be led by him.

The two met Tina at the corner of the corridor.

As soon as Tina saw Alyssa, she stopped screaming, “Alyssa! You are not alone now, so you can’t let me save snacks? Just go to the bathroom and not come back for a long time. Phone, you make people like this…”

When she saw Karl again, she swallowed everything behind.

Tina frowned, coughed slightly, and her voice immediately became a soft girl, pinching her throat: “Ahem… you don’t want to do this next time.”

Alyssa shook the non-existent goosebumps: “I am not a person now, or a ghost?”

Tina smiled and didn’t smile: “You are two people now.”

She was also exhausted, but it was because of Alyssa having a meal, and as a result, one after another accident happened, which is really…sigh.

The group returned to the box and finally had their meal.

During the dinner, Tina asked Alyssa, “What did you do, why did you leave suddenly when you went to the toilet?”

“I just met Karl. Several elders of the Adams’ family were eating here, so I followed him to meet them.” Alyssa lowered her eyes, lying and not drafting.

Karl glanced at her and said nothing.

“Oh, it turned out to be like this.” Tina believed easily.

It wasn’t until a meal was over that Tina remembered that Karl was the only heir to the Adams’ family. Besides his father and his grandfather, who else would he bring Alyssa to see?

Oh, maybe the elder Alyssa is talking about is Elder Adams.

On the way back, both of them were silent.

When approaching the door of the house, Alyssa suddenly said: “I went to the bathroom and met Gerald. He said that he could not contact Isabel for a day, and said that Isabel would do stupid things with an impulsive personality. , It is very likely that you caught her.”

There is no need to elaborate on the latter things, smart people can naturally think of it.

Before Alyssa thought that the perpetrator was most likely Isabel, but with Karl’s acting style, Isabel’s fall into his hands would definitely make her worse than death.

The fact is also true, if she hadn’t rushed over, Isabel might still be tortured at this moment.

After listening to her, Karl just asked, “Gerald is looking for you?”

“Yeah.” Alyssa turned to look at him suspiciously.

The car was driving on the winding road, and the trees outside the window retreated extremely quickly, making it dark.

But Alyssa could still vaguely see a hint of coldness from Karl’s fuzzy facial contours.

Alyssa was afraid that Karl would directly kill Isabel, but she didn’t think so much.

At this moment, she repeated Karl’s sentence “Gerald is looking for you” just now in her heart, and she felt a chill in her back.

At that time, Isabel suddenly speeded over to hit her. When that happened, there were no people around. At that time, Karl called and took her to the hospital.

Karl was well-rounded, and the phone call must have caused those people to arrest Isabel first.

Moreover, Isabel also suffered serious injuries at that time, and the people under Karl were also vigorous and resolute, so he arrested Isabel for a day without disturbing the Adams’ family.

Instead, Gerald came to Alyssa first.

In this way, things are clear.

Gerald instigated Isabel to hit Alyssa, and then took the time to find Alyssa so that Alyssa could see Karl’s cruel methods.

It’s not a seamless plan, but if Alyssa were more timid, she would indeed feel scared.

Thus, the contradiction between her and Karl would enlarge.

It’s just that if the conflict between her and Karl expands, what are the benefits to Gerald?

Or should Gerald just not see Karl? Just simply trying to make Karl unhappy?

But she knew Karl and Isabel was not such an innocent person.

She didn’t agree with Karl’s approach, but she could understand him.

Suddenly, Alyssa thought of something and turned to look at Karl: “Last time, you also used this method to make Isabel willingly clarify the marriage certificate incident in front of the media?”

“Yeah.” Karl admitted simply.

Alyssa sighed slightly.

Say he was wrong, his starting point is good.

Say he was right, being able to be violent is not the right way to solve the problem.

She thought for a while, and said: “I know that there are some things and some people can’t be solved by reason, but violence to violence is not the only feasible way.”

Karl said without turning his head, “I only use the method that has the fastest effect.”

Alyssa heating laughed extremely: “So when you want me to get pregnant, you just shut me up in the villa?”

Because of her words, the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly dropped to a freezing point.


The car made an emergency brake and Alyssa’s inertial body leaned forward.

Karl on the side suddenly leaned over in a panic to hug her and help her stabilize her figure.

His voice is still a little unstable: “Is it all right?”

Alyssa pushed him aside, opened the door, and got out of the car.

The place where the car stops are only more than ten meters away from the villa.

When Alyssa got out of the car, she saw several cars parked in front of the villa.

Someone is here?

She didn’t mind paying attention to Karl anymore, and walked directly towards the villa.

As soon as she entered the door, the bodyguards lined up neatly bent over: “Sir, Young Lady.”

Aunt Tami trot out in a hurry: “Sir, Young Madam, you came back. The old man has been here since the afternoon and has been here waiting for you to come back.”

Why is Elder Adams here again?

Alyssa turned her head to look at Karl with a puzzled face.

Karl had a clear look and reminded her aloud: “The hospital you went to check today belongs to Adams’ family.”

Alyssa quickly reacted. Elder Adams came to the door after receiving the news of her pregnancy.

After thinking about it carefully, she took it for granted.

Hearing the movement outside, Mr. Adams had already walked to the entrance of the hall and said in a loud voice: “When you come back, come in quickly and don’t stand in the yard. It’s cold!”

Alyssa glanced at Karl and ran towards the entrance of the hall first.

Karl curled his eyebrows and followed behind her: “Alyssa, slow down!”

As soon as Archer saw Alyssa, he pulled her inside and said, “How cold it is outside, come in and sit, the room is warm.”

Alyssa smiled: “Grandpa, I’m not feeling cold.”

As soon as they entered the hall, a row of maids all bent over to say hello: “Young lady.”

Alyssa was taken aback, a group of maids?

Chapter 220

Before Alyssa could speak, Elder Adams had already said aloud: “You are different now, your body is important, and Karl has no servants here. I have a group of maids for convenience. They will take care of you.”

Alyssa glanced at them, and roughly counted. There were about a dozen maids.

She and Karl lived in this villa, so how could there be so many servants?

There are too many people but it is not comfortable.

But Alyssa couldn’t refuse Mr. Adams’ kindness.

“My grandpa is bothering. The doctors say that I am in good health now…”

“No matter how good it is, you need to take good care of it. When Karl was born with the wind, the medical conditions were not as good as it is now, and she suffered a lot…”

Elder Adams paused when he said that, and seemed to sigh: “If you don’t say anything, don’t say anything. Anyway, what do you need, what you want, and what you want to eat, just tell Karl, if that stinky kid doesn’t get you, you just call me, don’t you have my phone number? Or you can add a WeChat account…”

As he said, he took out his phone and opened WeChat.

Alyssa wanted to laugh a little, thinking that Mr. Adams was very cute like this.

She smiled and took out her mobile phone, and said with a smile: “Let me sweep you.”

“Come on, click here, right?” Father Adams leaned in and opened his QR code.

When Karl came in, he saw two people getting together to add WeChat friends.

He glanced, and sat down on the sofa beside.

When Mr. Adams saw Karl, he didn’t have a good face: “Take good care of Alyssa in the future.”

Karl raised his eyelids, “Do I want you to tell?”

“Humph.” Elder Adams snorted: “If it wasn’t for Alyssa, you thought I wanted to see you?”

Karl folded his legs together, and said lazily, “Would you like to leave after reading?”

Elder Adams pointed at his nose and cursed: “You just want to piss me off!”

But there is not much anger in his eyes.

Elder Adams didn’t stay too much, just said a few words with Alyssa, and then left.

Elder Adams left, but a group of servants were left behind.

Alyssa sat on the sofa in the lobby, looking at the servants back and forth, and found that they looked good.

Wealthy people look for maids, they are all of good value.

Several of them are still carefully peeking at Karl.

Alyssa had a headache, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, and looked at Karl: “Take care of it, I’m going to sleep.”

Karl watched Alyssa’s figure disappear before speaking indifferently: “If you have anything, you can listen to Aunt Tami’s arrangements. You can’t go to the second floor if you have nothing to do. Just do what you need to do?”

His voice was low and pleasant, but it was so cold that there was no trace of emotion, and the few maids who had peeped at him bowed their heads and dared not to return.

The maids all responded, “Understood!”

When Karl returned to the room, Alyssa was already lying down and fell asleep.

There are a lot of things happening today, and she gets tired easily now, so she falls asleep easily.

When Karl leaned over to k!ss her, he could still smell the warm fragrance from her, which was fascinating.

He lay on the bed from the other side, gently pulling Alyssa into his arms.

Alyssa didn’t sleep deep enough, so she woke up as soon as he did this.

She opened her eyes, her cat’s eyes were filled with confusion, staring at Karl in a daze.

Karl k!ssed her eyebrows again, and patted her thin back with his palms, acting softly as if he was coaxing a child.

In the deep voice, there is a gentleness that cannot be removed: “It’s okay, go to sleep.”

As expected, Alyssa closed her eyes again, then moved her arm, hooking Karl’s neck.

She slept drowsily at the moment, which was completely a habitual reaction.

Karl brushed her long hair onto the pillow, tucked the quilt, and fell asleep together.


Karl sued Isabel and Clayton took over.

Clayton is a gold-level Lawyer in Rostenvel. Although he is good at commercial cases, he is also good at such small cases.

After the Hunt family knew about Isabel, Rachel came forward to find Alyssa.

Alyssa didn’t want to care about her at first, but Rachel called her every day. If this goes on, why Rachel will come to her house.

Therefore, when Rachel called again, Alyssa answered.

“Alyssa, you finally answered your mother’s call.” Rachel’s voice was a little excited: “You listened to your mother, what happened to your sister…”

Alyssa directly interrupted what she was going to say later: “Karl has appealed, and the court will be held in a few days.”

“No, Alyssa, Isabel is your sister anyway, I know she is wrong this time, but she is still so young, do you really want to put her in jail?”

Rachel’s voice was already crying, and she should have been very worried about Isabel during this period of time.

For Rachel, Alyssa’s heart was already cold.

She sneered and said, “What about me? If she hit me at that time, she would kill two bodies!”

Rachel on the other end of the phone was silent.

After a few seconds, she whispered: “Aren’t you all right now, your sister…”

“This is not the first time. You don’t need to call me again, and don’t come to me again, it’s useless.” Alyssa said coldly and hung up the phone.

Rachel would come to her to intercede for Isabel, which was expected.

She couldn’t imagine that if Isabel hit her that day…

She also reached out and touched her abdomen, where it was flat, but there was a little life slowly growing.

She doesn’t think this is the best time to get pregnant, but the baby has come and it will be born.

On the other side, Rachel hung up the phone, turned to look at Colin, and said with some embarrassment, “Alyssa…”

“What did she say?” Colin hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for several days because of Isabel’s affairs. His face was haggard and his voice was hoarse.

“She… She told me not to look for her again, she won’t help us.”

After Rachel finished speaking, she felt Colin’s face change suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and slapped her face severely.

He was a man, and he was angry again. This slap used his full strength, and Rachel was directly staggered by the it and fell to the ground.

There is a sweet smell in the mouth.

She touched the corners of her lips, reached out to her eyes, and saw the blood on it.

Half of her face was so painful that she was numb, and there was a buzzing in her ears.

Colin glared at her with a grim expression: “What’s the use of you? Such a small thing and you can’t help? This is your good daughter! She will send our Isabel to prison in the end!”

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