Predestined Marriage Novel Chapter 89 – 90

Read Chapter 89 and 90 of the novel Predestined Marriage free online.

Chapter 89

While driving, Alyssa noticed whether Colin’s car had followed behind him.

When approaching the abandoned garage, there was a sharp turn.

After Alyssa turned the corner, she never saw Colin’s car again.

She stopped the car at the door of the abandoned garage.

The rusty rolling shutter door of the garage was pulled open from inside, and a tall man walked out. He was wearing a mask and looked at Alyssa with gloomy eyes.

“Are you Alyssa?”

“Yes.” Alyssa nodded.

“Did you bring the money?”

Alyssa said calmly: “I want to see my mother first!”

The man looked around and made sure she was the only one. He turned around and walked inside: “You come in with me.”

Alyssa followed him in.

The old abandoned warehouse was in tatters, and a thick layer of dust accumulated on the ground. The inside was empty and messy, and there were many sundries.

Alyssa followed him, and saw Rachel tied to a chair from a distance.

The hair that Rachel usually takes care of has become a mess, her face is pale, showing a bit old.

Even though God-given beauty, it is still lost to the years.

Seeing Alyssa, Rachel’s eyes burst into surprise, and her voice was a little hoarse: “Alyssa, you are finally here!”

“Are you okay?” Alyssa walked two steps closer, looking at her without expression.

Rachel smiled and shook her head: “I’ll be fine when you come. Give them the money quickly, they just want money!”

At this time, the man who brought her in before stretched out his hand and stood in front of her: “Okay, where’s the money?”

“The time you gave is too short, I can’t find that much cash.” Alyssa said calmly, “Since you know that I am the youngest of the Adams’ family, you naturally know that I have a black card issued globally. Can I give you the card?”

When the man heard her, his expression changed: “Are you kidding me? Do you think I’m a fool? If I take this black card away, you will let people freeze the card and call the police to catch us!”

Alyssa’s complexion changed slightly, she really thought so!

The little attendant behind the man suddenly stepped forward and said something to him.

The man wearing the mask raised his hand to reach her: “I can let this old woman go, but you have to go with me to get the money.”

“Yes.” Alyssa nodded without even looking at Rachel.

After they released Rachel, Rachel glanced at Alyssa, and Rachel’s eyes panicked and dropped a sentence: “Alyssa, be careful.”

Then she ran out quickly.

Alyssa curled her lips mockingly and said nothing.

She took out the black card to the man, and the man reached for it.

Suddenly, his hand reached halfway, suddenly raised his hand to the back of her head, and struck her in the neck.

Alyssa had no time to say anything, her eyes turned black, and at the moment she passed out, she recalled everything that happened today in her mind.

Then she suddenly realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.


When Alyssa woke up, she found that it had changed a place and was no longer the former abandoned garage.

Her mind is not so clear yet, she can vaguely hear someone talking.

“The one who hired us is also named Adams?”

“Just this woman’s family!”

“What kind of hatred or resentment is this… if we treat this woman… will anyone in the Adams’ family trouble us?”

“You have forgotten that Madam Adams was kidnapped more than ten years ago… In the end, it was not a quiet person. This kind of wealthy family wants face…”

Alyssa was full of violent spirits, and the whole body was like an ice cellar, and the cold suddenly burst into the limbs.

When she went to Hunt’s house, she fell Isabel’s bowl, and Isabel did not get angry.

Isabel refused to let her call the police.

Alyssa was really too anxious at the time. After all, it was a matter of life. Although she had no expectations of Rachel in her heart, she couldn’t just watch Rachel die.

After all, she was too tender and could not beat the father and daughter Colin and Isabel.

“Big brother, she is awake!”

The person over there has found that Alyssa is awake.

Alyssa’s face was cold and frosty, so calm as not to be controlled by others: “I heard what you just said, the people who hired you are Colin and Isabel?”

One of the men snorted impatiently, “Why are you asking so much when you are going to die!”

“I just want to die to understand.” Alyssa said while carefully paying attention to the surrounding situation.

It was found that she was in the living room of a house with a sofa and a dining table. She was tied to a chair and tied very tightly, and she was a little sore.

“What if I tell you? It’s just for them to hire us. Don’t blame us if you die, you can only blame yourself for bad luck.” The man saw that Alyssa was beautiful, and he was happy to say a few more words to her.

Alyssa felt that her luck was indeed bad.

She too underestimated Isabel’s methods.

What role did Rachel play in this kidnapping?

Did she know Isabel’s plan early in the morning, but she was willing to help Isabel deceive her black card, regardless of her life or death.

Another man walked up and stared at Alyssa wryly: “Don’t talk nonsense with her, finish the business early and leave Rostenvel soon! Who of us will come first!”

“Brother, come on!”

Alyssa’s pupils shrank sharply, and her heart sank sharply. Out of instinct, she trid to broke free twice, but she was tied too tightly and couldn’t move at all.

Last time at the ZVR Club, Isabel wanted to harm her, but she got lucky and escaped. This time, is she really unable to escape?

She is not reconciled!

Alyssa forced herself to calm down and raised her head slightly to make herself look confident. “Do you really think the Adams’ family is so annoying? Does the person who participated in the kidnapping of Mrs. Adams’s life still survive? It’s very important, but can they tolerate others stepping on their heads?”

The “Mrs. Adams” they just mentioned should be Karl’s mother.

Seeing that the expressions of the two men were a little shaken, Alyssa continued: “Even if Isabel gave you a lot of money, you may not be able to spend it alive. If you let me go now and leave Rostenvel, Family will naturally not trouble you.”

“Huh, this girl is threatening us!”

“I don’t plan to live long in this life. Even if the Adams’ family doesn’t trouble me, the police won’t let me go…”

While the man was talking, he stretched out his hand to pull on Alyssa’s clothes.

Alyssa paled suddenly.

Don’t be afraid, there must be another way!

Alyssa’s down jacket was zippered, and the kidnapper pulled her down jacket away at once, reaching out to poke in through the hem of her sweater.

Chapter 90

Out of the instinct to survive, Alyssa struggled violently, and even fell to the ground with a chair.


The kidnapper scolded, kicked Alyssa’s stomach, reached out his hand to pull her hair, and was about to pull her up.

His kick was a little harder, and Alyssa was so painful that cold sweat came out.

She has no extra thoughts in her mind now, just knows to avoid the kidnapper’s disgusting hand.

The gang pulled her hair, and before she was pulled up, the door of the room was kicked open from the outside.

The loud “bang” sound was very abrupt.

Alyssa’s head was torn by the man, she pressed her lips tightly and looked towards the door of the room.

When she saw the familiar figure standing at the door of the room, she let her fear and fear suddenly flood her like a tide, tears falling one after another like beads with broken threads.

Although she was crying, she did not cry at all. Instead, she smiled and said to the person at the door: “Luther, you are here.”

At this moment when she saw “Luther”, Alyssa realized that what had supported her calmness and resistance before was that she subconsciously felt that someone would come to rescue her.

The person who will come to save her must be the most powerful person she knows.

Among the people she knows, the most powerful person is “Luther.”

When Karl saw the situation inside, his hands were already clenched into fists, and his body was covered with a gloomy breath, like Shura crawling out of hell. A glance made people feel frightened.

The two kidnappers were even more frightened and their voices were shaking: “You…who are you?”

When the Hunt asked them to kidnap Alyssa, he didn’t say that such a person would come to rescue her!

“Come and ask me this question again in my next life.” Karl walked in their direction step by step, his low voice and the ice-breaking steps: “Because in this life, you have no chance to know.”

The voice fell, and the man who had only slowly walked towards them, suddenly stepped quickly, and walked up to the two steps. Before they could see his movements, he fell heavily to the ground and curled up in pain. The body screamed.

Karl squatted down, carefully supported Alyssa with a chair, and untied the rope very quickly.

There was no superfluous expression on his face, but there was an unspeakable gloom, which looked scarier than usual.

But Alyssa was a little worried at this time, because she found that no one came in behind “Luther”.

In other words, “Luther” came by himself.

“Luther” asked her, “Nothing?”

“It’s okay, why did you come alone?” Although she didn’t know how he found here, it was always too risky to come alone.

“I am enough.”

When Karl spoke, he lowered his eyes slightly, making it difficult to see the expression in his eyes.

He said with commands: “You go out and wait for me.”

Seeing him so confident, Alyssa felt relieved, but when she lifted her foot, she realized that she was soft and could not move.

Even if the surface is calmer, her body is more honest than her heart.

She was scared.

Suddenly, Karl stretched out his hand to pull off his tie, covered her eyes and tied it to her head, pushed her onto a chair and sat down, then pushed the chair to the corner.

Then, he whispered in her ear: “It will be all right soon.”

Then, Alyssa heard the sound of fighting and screams, and the smell of blood.

As the smell of blood became heavier, the screams disappeared.

Finally, the room became quiet.

Alyssa felt her hand wrapped in a generous palm, and then the voice of “Luther” sounded: “Okay, let’s go.”

Alyssa reached out to take off the tie that bound her eyes, but was held by “Luther”.

“Go out and talk, follow me.”

Blindfolded, her vision was pitch black, Alyssa was led by “Luther”, feeling at ease like never before.

This made her feel a little frightened.

After going out, “Luther” stretched out his hand and tore off the tie that covered her eyes.

Alyssa blinked before adopting again.

The sky has darkened, but the surrounding withered grass can still be seen clearly.

Obviously their location is still in the suburbs, but they have moved from an abandoned garage to here.

The hands of the two were still tightly held together, hers was very cold, but “Luther” was a little warm.

For the first time, Alyssa didn’t think about avoiding suspicion, but was led by “Luther” without resisting at all.

Be willful once…

Before leaving, she looked back with lingering fears, and she happened to see the two kidnappers lying motionless in a pool of blood from the half-closed door. One of them stared at her with a pair of eyes. The direction is like a dead end.

Don’t die?

Alyssa was shocked by her own thoughts. Those two people were killed by “Luther” just now?

Feeling the strangeness of her, “Luther” turned his head and glanced at her, not knowing what she was thinking, leaned over and hugged her sideways.

“You…I can go by myself.” Alyssa reacted and subconsciously hugged his neck.

“Luther” still did not speak.

Alyssa found that since his appearance, he didn’t seem to have spoken much.

“Luther” directly carried Alyssa into the car.

Alyssa had many questions to ask, but the car was too warm and there was “Luther” next to her. Her tight nerves suddenly relaxed and she fell asleep with exhaustion.

After Karl drove the car for a certain distance, he noticed that Alyssa was asleep.

She didn’t seem to suffer much, her hair was messed up, and she didn’t even scratch her hands or face.

There was no danger, but he was almost frightened.

What he hates most-is the kidnapper.

They all deserve to die.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Smith called.

“Sir, where are you?” Smith’s tone was a little anxious. He had heard that the boss drove away and didn’t know where he went.

Karl’s voice was low, and he ordered: “I will send you an address, and you will bring someone to the aftermath.”

Smith was stunned for a moment, and then replied respectfully: “Yes.”


The heating in the car was fully turned on, and Alyssa was awakened by the heat.

There was no “Luther” figure beside her, she turned her head and saw a tall figure that was blurred to almost blending with the night and a little spark outside the window.

When Alyssa opened the car door, she was shivered by the cold winter night.

Hearing the movement, “Luther” turned his head: “Don’t get out of the car, I will come up after smoking this cigarette.”

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