Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 1245

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Chapter 1245

“Jacob that is the token of the admiral who ordered the killer of the end times. Your mother, a district girl, turned out to be the admiral of the organization of the end times?” The old lady was shocked.

Jacob smiled bitterly, no matter who his mother was, in his eyes, she was just a loving mother.

The old lady said excitedly: “With these kinds of darlings, you will have no obstacles to go to the end-time organization.”

Suddenly Jacob looked at the old lady faintly, and choked up: “Grandpa, I only ask you this once, and I hope you will answer me truthfully. My mother and father, does their death have anything to do with you?”

The old lady was confused and said: “Jacob, I really didn’t do this. I have been thinking about who is the main messenger behind this car accident. I even suspect that your subordinate Qing Yuan may be Chess pieces buried by others…”

Jacob’s face was pale, and Qing Yuan was one of the ghosts. If the blue mandarin was bought, when did he get bought?

Will there be other traitors in the ghost?

The old lady said with an uneasy expression: “Since your mother is an admiral of the last days, she must have many avengers. You are her son, and you must be careful when you pay your mother’s debts.”

Jacob was in a heavy mood, “I see.”

Saying goodbye to the old lady, Jacob left the study holding the box.

In the lobby, Irene and the others were chatting with the elders of the Zhan Family. When Jacob came out, Zhan Tingye asked him to stay for dinner.

Jacob did not refuse.

He looked at the Zhan Family’s villa. Compared with the previous tourmalines, it was really simple and very simple.

Jacob said: “Dad, if I can come back safely, I will definitely let you live back to tourmaline again.”

Zhan Tingye smiled bitterly: “Jacob, my father has been living in the shadow of the last days since he was born, and he has been living tremblingly. Now living in this small villa, I am indifferent to life and death. I rarely feel more peaceful and I don’t want to live. A luxurious manor like tourmaline.”

Jacob smiled and said: “Dad can easily change from extravagance to frugality, which is admirable. However, my son does not want you to restore the extravagant life, but tourmaline is the root of our war family. Falling leaves return to their roots, and I hope that all members of the Zhan Family will die.”

Zhan Tingye nodded.

After dinner, Jacob bid farewell to the elders one by one, leaving with his wife and children.

Jacob ordered Jason to drive.

And he picked up Irene and got into the back seat.

Jason was on the verge of being ordered, but somehow he couldn’t react, slowly moving to the driver’s seat.

As soon as Faith walked to the back row, Jacob said, “Faith, take the co-driver.”

Faith made a grimace towards Jacob, “Daddy, did I send it for the phone bill? Wouldn’t your conscience hurt if you disliked your daughter like this?”

Jacob looked at Irene softly, and said softly, “I buy one and get three free. You know, the status of gifts is definitely not as high as genuine ones.”

Jason and Faith mess together.

It was already eight o’clock in the evening when he returned to Wushou Garden.

That night, the sky was very clear, the moon was very round, and the stars were very bright.

A night sky where the vast and boundless stars and moon coexist is dazzling than ever before.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Jacob looked at the Char stars inlaid in the night sky, and silently prayed: “Derek, you must be safe! Waiting for Daddy to pick you up!”


Outside the window, the night is quiet!

The starlight in the firmament radiated cold brilliance, covering the imperial capital with a vast expanse of whiteness.

It also covers the vast forests of the north.

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