Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 1248

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Chapter 1248

After he finished speaking, the evildoer turned around and asked the young man seriously: “Do you still remember the regulations of the Military Intelligence Palace?”

The young man recited: “The agent is outside and must not reveal his identity. The beholders are punished with death.

The agents unconditionally obeyed all orders of the organization, and those who violated the order were punished with death.

The task can only succeed, not fail. The loser is punished by death.


The evil spirit raised his hand and said, “It is enough to remember these three points.”

The parting was imminent, and the evildoer suddenly felt reluctant.

“Do you remember your name?”

“Zhan Zihan.”

“Forget it from now on. From now on, I will give you a code name for walking the rivers and lakes: the best evildoer.”

The young man smiled charmingly, “That’s not good, Master, this name has the power to overwhelm you.”

The enchanting eyes were faint, “Shao poor mouth. Go and get ready.”



Imperial capital.

Today is the day when Jacob and Irene left the imperial capital.

Jacob commanded the ghost members to pack some “daily supplies” carefully prepared by him.

Irene and Janice looked at the many daily necessities, such as cosmetic bottles and jars, toothbrushes, large bags of clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter, and even high-tech kitchen electric baking pans…

The two were dumbfounded together.

“Damn! Is this going to travel or to cross the robbery?” Irene couldn’t help sighing.

Glancing at the two backpacks prepared by her and Janice again, they suddenly felt that their various choice entanglements this morning were a very idiotic behavior.

Jacob looked at the two people who had clearly “loaded lightly”, but mercilessly attacked: “What do you bring such heavy things to do? Can you run with them on your back when you escape?”

Janice couldn’t see it anymore, and pointed to the innumerable packages of different sizes and protested, “Brother, then why do you bring so many things?”

Jacob said confidently: “These are all of your sister Irene. You also know that she is sick and needs special care!”

Janice has been struck by Jacob’s double standard to be unlovable.

Does the diseased body need so much cosmetics?

Does Bingjiao’s body have to eat food cooked in an electric baking pan?

The eldest brother is obviously a spoiled wife.

Irene said: “Brother, if you dote on Irene like this, you will dominate Irene to the limit.”

Jacob gave him a glance, “I don’t spoil her, do I leave it to others?”

Irene chewed these words and seemed to feel very reasonable.

He glanced at the Janice on the side, and didn’t know whether it was a resuscitation or a conscience discovery, and said, “Janice, when I get there, I will buy you what you lack.”

Janice smiled and nodded, “Okay.”

Irene was originally worried that Faith would be upset because she was reluctant to leave them, so she got up in the morning to do ideological work for Faith.

Who knows that Faith showed a very open-minded attitude: “Mommy, don’t worry about me. I will wait for you to come back obediently.”

Irene dropped the boulder in her heart.

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