Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2124

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Chapter 2124

“What to do, of course, is to arrest people along the pipe.”

Faith hid in the pipe and calmed down a little at this moment. If she only managed to escape, she would not be able to escape the clutches of these people.

She must open up her wisdom and fight against them.

She encouraged herself: “Faith, you are Boye’s disciple, and your husband can tease those people round and round, you must be able to.”

Finally, Faith’s mind flashed. She thought of a brilliant idea-body disguise.

It happened that she was carrying the dissolving medicine on her body, and Faith poured the medicine powder into her mouth without hesitation.

Then quietly waiting for the changes in the body.

This experiment did not bring joy to Faith, on the contrary, the experiment brought Faith into aging.

Faith found that her skin was creases, her dark and flowing hair turned gray, and more importantly, her body became creaky.

Such a huge change, for Faith, who is running for his life, is also a surprise in misfortune.

When Faith sneaked out of the pipe, it was midnight. She picked up a stick on the ground, and slowly staggered forward with the stick, but it didn’t take long before she was discovered by the masked people.

“You stop.”

Faith turned around, her smile looked a bit mischievous and very loving.

The mask man looked at Faith suspiciously, reached out and touched her skin and her arm, and said, “Really a real old man.”

Faith shivered before they could ask questions, “You see. Don’t have my granddaughter? The woman Boye said she asked my granddaughter to be her apprentice, but the castle was bombed like this. Where did Boye hide my granddaughter?” The mask man heard this and became interested. .

“Old lady, what does your granddaughter look like?”

Faith pretended not to hear, and moved his head over, and said: “Huh? Ah? What are you talking about? I ask you if you see my granddaughter. The beautiful one?”

Mask Man Depressed, he muttered to himself: “I’m a deaf man.” At this moment, the black wolf masked man walked over and said, “Catch her up and torture her. Who is her granddaughter?” He ordered the order and immediately pulled it roughly. With Faith.

Faith angrily said: “You are civilized to the elderly. If you pull and pull like this, you are not afraid to fall me?”

“This old thing is still leaning on and selling old.”

They pushed and shoved, Faith yelled, “Don’t Push don’t push. I can walk by myself. I’m not old. I can walk.”

But after a few steps, Faith fell.

“Get up, old lady.”

Faith really leaned on the old man, sitting on the ground and patted his thighs: “It seems that I am really old, my legs are not working, and I can’t walk. I have to rest. I have to convince the old them together do not beat you up on the.. “

Bao Tong to play dumb and said:” ah, you say that you just want to send me home, I was hungry and you go to my house, I do to you? It’s delicious.”

As a result, the masked man just took Faith to the villagers’ concentration camp.

“Who knows her?” The black wolf mask man pushed Faith to the villagers.

Faith was a little nervous, because the villagers here had actually met her, and she had visited most of the villagers. Although she has changed her face now, people with sensitive eyes should be able to recognize her identity vaguely.

The villagers looked at Faith, all eyes dull. Then invariably shook their heads and said, “I don’t know her.”

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