Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2227

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Chapter 2227

After she died, he also became unlovable. Therefore, in the following plague years, the husband could not find anyone to do experiments, and he had the courage to volunteer to be a guinea pig.

When the husband injected the potion into his body one by one, the worst outcome he thought at that time was death. But he didn’t die, on the contrary, he became resistant.

He worked hard to hide his shameful penchant. The husband was moved by his dedication and fraternity, and he taught him what he had learned throughout his life. And he finally became a famous doctor.

Then he had power and beauty, and the women who once looked down on him flocked to him. And he didn’t refuse them.

He is lost in love.

Finally fell.

Thinking of those past events, Living Fossil couldn’t help feeling very emotional.

Every step in life seems to be a little bit uncontrollable.

He said to Faith sadly: “Zhan Zitong, it’s useless for you to tell me this, because I don’t want to see her. No, I don’t want to see all the women who have an intersection with me.”

Zhan Zitong was stunned for a moment, then immediately Said: “Because you are embarrassed to see them. You are sorry for them. You treat them as playthings, and you are afraid that when you get to the underworld, they will settle accounts with you.”

“Your mouth is really annoying.” The eyes of the living fossil became fierce.

Faith had already shown the courage to risk everything and said, “Old man, you should change your mind and be a new person. Maybe you can be a good person after reincarnation.” The

living fossil stretched out his hand, holding a huge black pill in his palm. He smiled slyly: “Do you know what kind of medicine this is?”

Zhan Zitong stared at the pill without saying a word.

She saw from the face of the living fossil that the side effects of this pill should be very powerful.

Sure enough, the living fossil said: “This is the drug that Mr. injected into my body back then. If you eat it, you will become a person like me.”

Faith was frightened. She stepped back.

“I don’t eat it.” The

Living Fossil said, “Be good, eat it.”

Faith backed away in fear.

The living fossil suddenly swallowed saliva on the pill, and when Faith saw this disgusting operation, the filth in the bottom of her stomach kept surging up.

“You’re disgusting,” she said.

The color of the activated stone’s eyes darkened slightly, and the drug had a magical chemical reaction at this time. It produced a lot of small bubbles, and black smoke, which quickly vanished.

But there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

Faith noticed something was wrong, and immediately took out the gold pharmacy, and began to inhale the strong drug molecules into the gold pharmacy in an attempt to purify it.

But soon Faith discovered that something was wrong with her body, her cheeks slowly turned red, and the temperature of her whole body also increased.

The living fossil also shouted in a perverted voice: “Faith, come here, come to me.”

Faith took a few steps towards him and realized that his thoughts were being controlled by him. Faith suddenly grabbed the vase next to him and threw it away. On the wall, then picked up the sharp weapon and swiped it on his arm.

Soon, her arms were bloody.

The living fossil saw that Faith did not hesitate to destroy his own body in order to preserve his last dignity.

At that moment, the living fossil suddenly felt a little ashamed.

He was not as brave as her back then.

The living fossil slowly walked towards Faith.

Faith finally put the sharp weapon on his heart and said viciously: “Don’t come here, if you come again, I will kill myself.” The

living fossil said: “Aren’t you afraid of death? You are the only successor of Bo Ye. You know what it means to bear humiliation and bear the burden ?”

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