Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2533

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Chapter 2533

The smile in Jacob’s eyes is extremely perfunctory: “Isn’t this what you said? You and I must sing a white face and a red face in front of the children. You have already taken the lead. If I lose my face, then I can only be a loving father.”

Zhengling sighed, “It’s a little hard to handle this matter, but it will ruin his reputation and his life.”

Jue Zhan reassured Zhengling . : “Okay, Zhengling, don’t worry. This matter is not as complicated as you think. I’ll go and see Susu. Ask about yesterday’s situation.”

Zhengling nodded, and told Jacob: “Jue Brother, if Susu has a good attitude of admitting his mistake, you…don’t embarrass him too much.”

Lord Zhan Han nodded.

Just when Jacob turned to leave, his handsome face immediately sank.

He came to the secret room, and Susu stood in the center of the secret room, surrounded by haze. Seeing Jacob, his handsome face was ashamed.

When Jacob entered, he flipped the switch with his backhand. Then he walked over with a gloomy face, completely different from the hippie smiling face in front of Zhengling just now, and instantly became serious.

“Kneel down.”

Su Su thumped and knelt in front of Lord Zhan Han.

Jacob said angrily: “Daddy taught you to stay away from women since you were a child. Since you have a girl you like, why do you want to be so close to other sisters? Didn’t Daddy tell you? There are many women?”

Susu swallowed hard and said ashamedly, “Daddy, I know I’m wrong.”

Seeing that he didn’t justify his actions, Jue Zhan’s solemn expression softened and said, “Now tell me, last night. What happened?”

Jason succinctly said: “Jun Xinyue proposed to go out at midnight. I lost the game, so I followed the bet. At midnight, I was sitting on the golf course for a long time when I suddenly heard someone call me. , I turned my head and saw a woman with long hair fluttering, standing not far from me.”

“She called me a few times, and I followed her. Who knew she took me to the uncultivated wasteland behind the tourmaline manor, where there was a dirt bag that I thought it was a tomb last night. I was curious that she took me to such a wicked place, and wanted to chat with her, but she turned into a tree shadow and disappeared without a trace.”

When Susu said this, he raised his head in surprise: ” Daddy, I fainted inexplicably afterwards, and when I woke up, Jun Xinyue and I lay together. I don’t know what happened in the middle.”

Jacob was silent for a moment.

Susu speculates: “Daddy, I may have been hit by Jun Xinyue’s Gu.”

Jacob asked Susu seriously: “You said you have seen a dumpster?”

Susu nodded: “Last night, I clearly It looks like a tomb.”

Jacob said, “You guessed it right. That is a tomb. A little boy is buried in the cemetery.”

Su Sujun’s face was surprised: “Is there really such a thing? So that woman is also Is there really someone else?”

Jacob said to himself: “A woman with long hair?” Susu said

, “Who is she?”

“The boy’s mother.”

Jacob shook his head again: “However, I More willing to believe that this is someone else’s intentional use of this story to manipulate your hallucination.” Susu said

unwillingly: “Is it Jun Xinyue?”

Thinking that she might have been plotted by Jun Xinyue, Su Su was particularly depressed. .

How could he be so incompetent, let a little girl figure it out.

Jacob’s next words shocked him: “It may not be her.”

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