Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 2560

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Chapter 2560

Jacob’s words, let Zhengling vaguely remember the time when she was a married woman and was coldly violent by her husband. At that time, she married Jacob full of joy, but Jacob ignored her efforts and efforts, never looked at her, and she did not warm his heart after three years of marriage.

Whenever Zhengling thinks of Jue Zhan Han at that time, she is especially sad and aggrieved.

At this moment, she stared at Jue Zhan Han with a melancholy belly, and complained incessantly, “It’s not that I’m thin-skinned, it’s clearly that you are too ruthless. At that time, you were like an insulator to me, and I couldn’t please you no matter what I did. Jun Xinyue is not as cold as you are, so Jun Xinyue has expectations for him.”

“Oh, I was stupid at that time, I only knew that I was blind to you, thinking that this is the nobleman I have loved since I was a child. Brother, so I am very tolerant towards you. It also caused me to pay and endure one by one, and I never thought of changing my strategy…”

“As long as I am more attentive, I will also treat your tree for ten thousand years. The Tieshu that doesn’t bloom has already bloomed.” Jacob opened

his mouth in surprise, Zhengling’s complaint today, but he has never heard of it in the past ten years. Zhengling’s chatter, mixed with a trace of resentment, made Jacob sensitively sniff: Zhengling’s menopause may be coming.

He patted his mouth in annoyance, blaming himself for being eloquent, and evoking so much resentment.

Fortunately, he is wise and aware of changing topics: “Zhengling, Susu is a boy. When dealing with feelings, you should break it when it should be broken. You can’t drag the water.”

“Jun Xinyue and Qiao Wan, Susu’s heart belongs. Wan, then stay with Qiao Wan well. As for Jun Xinyue, Su Su is with her, I believe it is just a conspiracy, not what Su Su wants. Since Su Su doesn’t love Jun Xinyue, she should be with her even more. Jun Xinyue draws a clear line. Although it seems a little inhumane to you, this is the best way to treat Susu and Jun Xinyue.”

Jacob paused, then said: “Compared to being responsible, not loving That’s the biggest damage to Jun Xinyue.”

Zhengling pondered and pondered, and sighed: “I understand this principle, but Jun Xinyue may not. She only has anguish in her heart now, and she resents us for protecting Susu and not seeking justice for her.”

Jacob said: “People live forever, how can they not complain.”

After Zhengling was enlightened by Jacob’s open-mindedness, he slowly felt relieved.

Who knows, the tourmaline manor has suffered many disasters because of this.

The first one was Susu, who never woke up after falling asleep one night.

His vital signs were stable, but he didn’t open his eyes, just like a living dead lying motionless on the bed.

That morning, the servants called Susu to get up for breakfast, but he couldn’t wake up, so he ran to Aiyue Castle with a pale face, reporting the emergency to Zhengling and Lord Zhan.

After hearing about Susu’s strange characteristics, Zhengling threw away the breakfast in her hand, stood up immediately, and hurriedly ran to the other courtyard where Susu lived.

Almost broke into Su Su’s bedroom, but saw Su Su lying peacefully on the bed, no matter how Zhengling called him or touched him, he could not wake him up.

Zhengling was so frightened that he collapsed into Lord Zhan’s arms and cried, “Brother Jue, what’s wrong with Susu?”

Jacob’s face was dignified, and the only remaining reason called out: “Go and

get a doctor over here.” Come on, the family doctor is here.

But even after the famous general practitioner carefully examined Su Su, he did not find anything unusual about Su Su.

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