Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 383

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Chapter 383

Grace sat in Jacob’s Rolls Royce, feeling extremely complicated.

Tourmaline Manor was an unattainable dream in her last life.

She has begged Jacob countless times, “Brother Jie, I know you are afraid of trouble. So we don’t get married and don’t get a certificate. You take me directly to Tourmaline Manor, we are husband and wife. Okay?”

Every time Jacob prevaricates her with one reason, “The woman who enters the Tourmaline Manor must be the wife of the Zhan Family Ming Media. It is not advisable to put the cart before the horse.”

Grace’s eyes were tearful.

The unwilling heart rippled again.

When Rolls-Royce came to Tourmaline Manor, the gate of the manor was crowded. Guests holding invitation stickers are even more popular than entering tourist areas.

Grace looked at Jacob gloomily, “Didn’t you say that the old lady refuses to do a big deal?”

Jacob said: “It’s already a small-scale banquet.”

“What is the grand occasion of that large-scale banquet?” Grace felt that her three views were refreshed by this guy again.

“Celebrate the whole country!”

Grace: “…”

War master, can we have a face?

Jacob drove Rolls Royce straight into his villa area-Xiangding Garden.

The front of the manor is very lively, but the back is terribly secluded, like two worlds.

As soon as Jacob parked the car on the ground parking space, Grace couldn’t wait to open the car door and walk out.

It was indeed a rich man’s villa, and the environment was very elegant and beautiful. Grace breathed the fresh air and was deeply attracted by the elegant courtyard with winding paths, winding water, and small bridges.

Jacob walked towards her, gently wrapped her waist from behind, and asked, “Do you like it?”

Grace’s body became stiff, what was this guy going crazy? Her petite body flinched in his arms, struggling to get rid of his shackles.

“Don’t move, let me hug.” He said dumbly.

At this moment, he looked forward to it for a long time!

Grace was startled slightly, somehow she seemed to hear a trace of hardship in the voice of this guy.

He hugged her too tightly, as if to melt her into his life.

Grace struggled uncomfortably.

She was afraid that she would indulge in this short and false tenderness!

Obviously he was the one who killed her, but he was also the one who was so gentle and petting at this moment!

She doesn’t understand, what exactly does he want to do?

“If you move around again, I can’t guarantee that I will do something!” He seemed extremely tired, his voice hoarse, but with intoxicating tenderness.

Grace immediately calmed down after hearing this, fearing that he would really do something to her.

But it turns out that a man’s mouth is a deceitful ghost. In the next second, Jacob’s hands began to bully her restlessly.

“Master Zhan, you said you didn’t bully me!” Grace was about to cry, “What should I do if I am seen this way?”

“This is my private forbidden area. No one will come in without my permission.”


As the man became more and more aggressive, Grace couldn’t help but screamed, and then covered her mouth in shame. God, how could she make such a noise?

“No one can hear.” Jacob grinned at her cute look.

“I’m so ashamed. I won’t live to be seen.”

In the end, she was taken into the house by Jacob, but she was bullied-even worse.

When she woke up, Grace only felt weak, aching back and back, and she didn’t even have the strength to get out of bed, so she glared at Jacob.

Sitting on the bedside, Jacob looked at her dozingly, smiling, “I’ll be gentle next time.”

Then add a very honest sentence: “But it’s really hard to control yourself.”

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