Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 585

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Chapter 585

Irene spoke to the official Xiaoxiao with reason and affection. “Guan Xiao, although your president always looks like an iceberg and looks difficult to get close to him, I know him best. In fact, his heart not as indifferent as on the outside. In his heart, he cares about you and loves you very much.”

Irene said that Guan Xiao’s heart was gone. Although the president was extremely strict with Guan Xiao and them, he respected them for their teachings and cultivated grace.

Perhaps the president is cold-hearted to outsiders, but he is absolutely cold-hearted to them.

Irene just added something to say, “I think your CEO should have poor facial nerve development since childhood, so facial expressions are very lacking. It gives you an illusion, as if he is very fierce. In fact, he is a paper tiger, not at all. Horrible. Guan Xiao, you can go in without worry.”

Guan Xiao was stunned.

Inwardly wailed: “Madam, since the president is so meek in your eyes, why are you reluctant to go in and discourage him?”

Irene finished speaking, and laughed harmlessly. The curvy eyebrows, more brilliant than Shanhua, gave Guan Xiao an illusion that she was an angel.

Guan Xiao took a deep breath, arrogantly, and walked into the ward angrily.

Jacob had already got up and sat, wearing a blue striped hospital gown on him, which was extremely loose.

He did lose a lot of weight, but his face, which looked like a master sculptor, did not reduce his violent temper because of the weight loss.

On the contrary, Jacob’s icy breath is stronger than before.

Perhaps the trauma caused by the loss of his parents overnight, all turned into a chill that has nowhere to vent, screaming and screaming in his limbs.

Guan Xiao sees such a president, even if the president does not speak, just looking at him with a pair of sharp eyes with a gloomy look is enough to make Guan Xiao’s little heart bang out of the rhythm.

“President…” Guan Xiao began to stammer. Frozen for a long time did not dare to say a word.

He felt that such a president looked terrible. If the president knows that he disobeys his will, the president will definitely go crazy.

Guan Xiaotian was not afraid, but he was afraid that the president would be angry with him.

“Is the discharge operation done?” Jacob asked with frowned.

Obviously his body is so weak, and his voice is light and fluttering, but it seems to have the power to shake the mountains, and it makes people tremble.

Guan Xiao knelt on the ground almost with a thud, shivering and said: “President, can we stay for a few more days? You just left the intensive care unit, at least you will be tested in the general ward for a few more days….. .”

Jacob’s face instantly became darker than Bao Gong.

Guan Xiao’s lips trembled. Originally, he wanted to maintain his masculine spirit, and secretly determined not to betray Irene when he was a last resort.

However, when he saw the president’s face that was extremely disappointed in him and was mixed with inexhaustible anger, all of Guan Xiao’s morals and justice were thrown out of the sky, pointing out the door, and crying: “President, she didn’t let it. You left the hospital. Not me!”

Jacob’s eyes were cast on the door panel, the heavy log door panel abruptly blocked the line of sight.

“Who?” Jacob asked in astonishment.

Guan Xiao’s lips were shaking like a sieve, “This… after all… can you tell… or can’t you tell?”

There was a huge doubt in Jacob’s eyes, and the familiar feeling of expectation and hope filled his heart.

At that moment, Jacob’s breathing seemed to have stopped.

“Yes…Zhan family members are here?” Thinking about it, he felt that this possibility should be greater.

Guan Xiao was taken aback and nodded.

Isn’t your wife a member of the Zhan Family?

There is no question for him to answer this way, right?

An invisible loss flashed across Jacob’s eyes, and then he spoke, with an irresistible majesty in his voice.

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