Predestined Marriage Novel Chapter 1049 – 1050

Read Chapter 1049 and 1050 of the novel Predestined Marriage free online.

Chapter 1049

In Alyssa’s questioning voice, Luther’s complexion gradually turned pale.

Seeing him like this, Alyssa couldn’t bear to say no matter how cruelly questioned.

Luther stopped making a sound for a long time, and stood motionless.

Seeing this, Alyssa whispered to him, “Luther?”

Luther suddenly raised his head, eyes scarlet: “Sister Alyssa, you said you want me to talk with him face to face?”

Alyssa thought he had figured it out, and nodded: “Yeah.”

Unexpectedly, Luther said in the next sentence: “Then he drove Mom crazy, and when he sent her to the mental hospital, did he talk to me?”

Speaking of the past, Luther’s voice was a little hoarse.

Alyssa opened her eyes wide, “Who did you hear it from?”

Luther stared at her without blinking, as if confirming the thoughts in his heart, he slowly asked, “You know, don’t you?”

Alyssa really knows the whole story.

At that time, she felt that she didn’t tell Luther about the dirty things in the Adams’ family, it was for Luther’s good.

But at this time, being questioned by Luther in this way, she was not sure whether she and Karl’s actions were right or wrong.

“you know too.”

This time, Luther was talking in declarative sentences.

His expression became a little sad, mixed with disappointment.

Facing Luther like this, Alyssa couldn’t say a word of denial.

She could not lie to Luther.

I can’t say that everything is for his good.

The original intention of Karl was indeed for Luther’s good.

But look at Luther in front of her, how does he feel?

“The person I trust and admire the most has driven my biological mother crazy.”

Luther’s eyes were full of pain: “You have kept it from me for so many years. If don’t know it now, are you trying to keep it from me for a lifetime?”

Alyssa moved her lips, but could not speak.

It happened too suddenly, and Luther at this time was obviously not calm at all. If she spoke for Karl, it would only make Luther more angry.

Listening to Luther’s tone, he even blamed Alyssa.

Alyssa sighed slightly.

The matter was over, and she had nothing to say.

It could be seen that Luther didn’t want to hurt her, he just wanted to force Karl to explain clearly about his mother Lina.

Luther hadn’t planned to hear anything from Alyssa, but when he saw that she didn’t speak, he said to her: “Sister Alyssa, I have always liked you very much. No matter what happens between me and my cousin, you as my sister are all in my heart. I won’t embarrass you. You can live here for a while with peace of mind.”

Luther left after speaking.

Stay at ease?

Alyssa couldn’t help sighing again.

Karl was probably going crazy at this time, how could she live with peace of mind?

After hearing Luther’s door closing, Alyssa tried to move.

Having been taking Clifford’s medicine for this period of time, Alyssa’s spirit has improved a lot, and she feels that her strength is much greater than before.

She moved on the bed, and fell to the ground accidentally with a “boom” sound.

The movement was a bit loud, and Alyssa glanced at the door with some worry.

The next moment, the door was pushed open again from the outside.

Luther came in carrying the takeaway.

He glanced at Alyssa who fell to the ground without any reaction, as if he hadn’t seen it.

Put the takeaway on the table, and while unpacking the takeaway, he said to Alyssa, “I bought what you like.”

Chapter 1050

After Luther slowly dismantled all the takeaways and put them on the table, he turned around to help Alyssa.

When Alyssa was lifted up by him, she almost had to rely on his strength to stand up.

When she took advantage of the strength to get up, she subconsciously forced her legs.

Although she has no sensation in her lower body, it is the body’s instinct to use force when she gets up.

She was supported by Luther to the dining table with his eyes down, so she could clearly see her feet move.

Alyssa couldn’t help but stared, even suspecting that she had read it wrong. She moved her legs secretly, and found that there was a slight movement.

For such a long time, most of Alyssa’s body had not been conscious, and she felt that she had misread this slight shaking.

She tried again.

She opened her eyes wide this time, staring at her legs and feet, and finally confirmed that her legs were really shaking.

For an instant, there was a burst of ecstasy in Alyssa’s heart.

Did Clifford’s medicine work?

So her legs began to feel the sensation.

Although it is so small, it is enough to make Alyssa happy.

If Karl knew that her legs felt a little bit, he would definitely be happier than her.

At this moment, Alyssa was supported by Luther and sat on a chair.

Alyssa raised her eyes to look at Luther, the smile on her face faded again.

But Karl should be looking for her everywhere now.

Luther pushed the food in front of her and said, “Eat it.”

Alyssa found that her legs felt a little bit, and her mood was a little lighter than before.

If Karl finds him, there would definitely be a big fight between the two.

And she should eat well now. If Karl came over and saw her well, he might not be so angry.

Thinking of this, Alyssa bowed her head and started eating.

Seeing Alyssa eating quietly, Luther said with a complicated expression: “Sister Alyssa, are you afraid that I will add medicine to the food?”

Alyssa swallowed the food in her mouth, then looked up at him and said, “Not afraid.”

Her eyes were very sincere and there was no trace of lying.

She thought that way in her heart, and she believed that Luther would really not hurt her.

After hearing her words, Luther’s expression became more complicated, and a trace of regret gradually emerged.

It’s just that Alyssa had already lowered her head and continued to eat, and did not pay attention to Luther’s expression.

Luther bought all Alyssa’s favorite dishes, and the taste was not bad. Alyssa herself was a little hungry and ate a lot.

Just when she was full and ready to put the chopsticks, she felt a little dizzy in her head.

Alyssa stretched out her hand and pressed her temple, still a little confused, why did she start to feel dizzy?

She rubbed her temples and saw Luther still sitting without touching the food in front of her, she looked at him with some doubts.

She asked Luther: “Why don’t you eat?”

Luther pursed his lips, as if he didn’t dare to look her in the eyes directly, and said three words in a low voice: “I’m sorry.”

Alyssa didn’t understand why Luther suddenly said sorry.

But the next moment, she felt her dizziness more obvious.

“You… in the dish…” Alyssa was so dizzy that there was already a ghost in front of her eyes. She lay down on the table and said the next half sentence: “What’s left?”

“Cousin will definitely come back soon, so I can only off you first.”

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