Sir Ares Good Night Chapter 1229

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Chapter 1229

Irene raised his eyes, and Janice’s tears came into view.

Irene’s heart stabbed inexplicably.

Suddenly he gave up and shouted: “Janice, as long as you are willing to marry me Irene, I promise that you will not touch onion water with your five fingers in the future. From then on, you are my queen, you say east, I will never Go west. You say one, I never say two. I beg you to marry me, let me love you, care for you, and protect you forever. Okay?”

Janice smiled brightly, “Okay.”

Irene got up and whispered to Janice in a low voice: “Your good nephew, he actually counted on me.”

Janice’s heart was hot. She thought Jas was indifferent and alienated to her, but she didn’t expect that he would still feel sorry for her aunt at the critical moment.

She really didn’t hurt him for nothing.

Irene was frustrated, “How do I feel that I have fallen into a wolf den?”

The guests couldn’t help laughing when they saw that their young people were screaming, but they were very affectionate.

Jacob didn’t like the excitement, so he hugged Irene and walked to the bedroom upstairs.

He hugs Irene very skillfully, and he puts his arms around his neck. Biren, who has a prosperous beauty, looks beautiful.

Janice suddenly reached out to Irene, “Zhengzheng, you hold me.”

Irene glanced at the long, round and round Phoenix Fairy, staring at his pupils, “Are you kidding me?”

Janice insisted, “Hold me.”

Irene used the strength to suckle and hugged Janice.

After staggering for two steps, he shouted, “Can you lose weight?”

Janice rolled down from him, with a look of disgust and said, “It’s obviously not that I am fat, but your waist is not good.”

Irene seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, “Who said that my waist is not good? Tonight I will let you know whether my waist is good or not.”

Janice blushed and ran away quickly.

Irene sighed silently: “I want to change my brother-in-law.”

The Jason next to him handed him a death gaze, “My dad wants to change his brother-in-law.”

Irene was startled slightly, and then he realized that he and Janice were together, and his status in front of Jacob had fallen for a generation.

He feels like he is losing out.

Irene and the others had already gone upstairs when Irene was messed up in the wind.


The first gift Zheng Yu received was that Irene transferred her princess room to her elder sister. And Irene’s room moved to the slightly smaller princess room next to him.

Just as Zhengyu was about to open her mouth to express her refusal, she heard Irene say: “Sister, I have some things that I can’t say in front of you. So I hide a lot of thoughts in the room, waiting for you to find them all. , You know my mind.”

Zhengyu cancelled the thought of changing rooms.

Because she wanted to know what Irene wanted to say to her.

“Okay, the eldest sister will live here.”

Faith gave Zhengyu a wedding dress doll inlaid with diamonds, and then hugged Zhengyu and said: “Auntie, I want to watch you get married, and also want you to watch me get married.”

Janice teased: “Oh, how old is he, he just wants to marry. Are you ashamed?”

Jason gave Zhengyu a bank card, “Auntie, ask me if I lack money.”

Jason’s indomitable responsibility has undoubtedly inherited a good family tradition.

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