Today I Give Up Trying Chapter 553

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Chapter 553

“Mr. Tian, long time no see! I’m Bai, head of the Bai family!”

Grandpa Bai’s face seemed to be conjured, filled with thick flattering smiles, and then said nervously:

“I just learned that the trash son-in-law of my third child actually offended all the young masters!”

“Here, I show the attitude of our Bai family to the patriarchs and young masters!”

Grandpa Bai pointed to the Baishan family, and then said with a serious face:

“From today onwards, Baishan, Paula, Shaun, and Elvira have been completely expelled from our Bai family! And we have ended every relation with them from today on!”

“So, if you are here to seek revenge, I hope you will never hurt our Bai family!”


Grandpa Bai has ended the relations with Elvira’s family completely.

Hearing this Tian Changfa and the others got stunned for a while.

They looked at each of the Bai family members who were gloating for misfortune, and then looked at Elvira and Baishan who was with sorrowful faces.

Suddenly, Tian Changfa and everyone else had a strange look on their faces.

“Okay! In that case, I promise you! This matter has nothing to do with the Bai family!”

Tian Changfa looked at Mr. Bai as if he was looking at an idiot.

After then they directly went to Baishan’s family.


The people of the Bai family didn’t care about Tian Changfa’s attitude at all. All they cared about was that what Tian Changfa said had nothing to do with their Bai family.

In an instant, whether it was Mrs. Bai or Haibai and others, they all let out a long sigh of relief.

Then these people looked at Elvira’s family again, pitying and sarcastic.

“Hahaha… it really is retribution! As soon as he said that he is going to establish the new Bai Group, here is the disaster in the beginning!”

“New Bai Group! Is it worthy of Shaun?”

The ridiculous words of many Bai family members are endless.

But they didn’t find it.

When Tian Changfa and others heard the words ‘New Bai Group’, their hearts started to surge, as like they had seen an excellent opportunity, their eyes got bright and excited.

Da da da!

When Baishan and Elvira saw, the group of Jiangnan gangsters with broken legs supported by the bodyguards, their faces became pale.

That’s it!

The corners of the lips of the father and daughter showed a strong bitterness.

Shaun just boasted that he was going to establish a new Bai family, and now their family is going to suffer a disaster.

Especially looking at these big guys, coming towards them!



Dense beads of sweat flowed down from the foreheads of Baishan and Elvira.

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