Today I Give Up Trying Chapter 873

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Chapter 873

With the dual assistance of fighting secrets and medicated food, every blood warrior has made rapid progress and has become a terrifying existence that frightens any power in the world.

And now!

Shaun planned to use this medicated diet to help Elvira, Baishan, and Paula improve their physical fitness and forge their bones.

This will not only make them live longer, but also stay young.


In addition to this eight-treasure forging lotus soup.

On the side table, there are also a series of exquisite and delicious dishes.

“Nine-flavored vegetables!”

“Four-pole stir-fried meat!”


Each dish is a perfect match of herbs and vegetables. It is no exaggeration to say that a dish is better than medicine.

“dinner is ready!”

Shaun smiled slightly and walked out of the kitchen with dishes.

At this moment, Elvira and Baishan had already washed up and sat down at the table early, ready to eat.

Paula was also discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Although her leg is still in a cast, she can’t move by herself, and she needs rest for another month, and she will walk freely.

“Smell is good!”

When plates of exquisite dishes were just served, Elvira’s beautiful eyes instantly sparkled.

She looked at Shaun and said curiously:

“Shaun, this medicinal food you have made is not only delicious but also I feel that I am very energetic every day, even if it is a day of work, I don’t feel tired at all! Also, I found that my skin is more glowing!”

On Elvira’s pretty face, there was a lot of happiness.

Not just her.

Paula next to Shaun also smiled and said:

“Shaun, I have also felt the bones of my legs in the past few days. The recovery is very fast! It seems that every day there is some difference. The effect of your medicated diet is too great!”

“Hahaha…and me! I’ve always felt back pain before, but since Shaun has started to make medicated food, I found that my body has become more vigorous!” Baishan said.

And looking at the happy faces of the family.

Shaun touched his nose and smiled slightly:

“Since everyone likes it, I will customize a dish for you every day according to your physical condition!”

Hearing this, Elvira got happier.

Elvira, Baishan, and Paula began to eat a lot.

The taste of this meal is so delicious that they can’t stop eating.

Almost like a cloud, the several dishes have been wiped out.

After a meal.

Elvira rushed to the company and continued to be busy.

Baishan pushed Paula and went out for a walk.

Just as Shaun was about to clean up the leftovers, a doorbell suddenly rang.


Shaun was taken aback, then stepped forward and opened the door of the room.

Just when he opened the door.

Shaun saw a doctor sweating outside the door. Seeing Shaun, the doctor was overjoyed and quickly said:

“Dong Lin, in Ivan Chinese and Western Hospital something has gone wrong!!!”


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